Friday, March 31, 2006

Move Slowly

During these last four weeks, I have been giving an night class entitled "Where Will You Be....".

The class lasts three nights, and is two hours each night. I advertise the class as a way to help people define their goals. Actually, the class is really a vehicle for building the self-esteem of learners (students).

Why self-esteem?

Poverty, racism, colonialism, tribalism, alcohol abuse, and HIV/AIDS have decimated the self-esteem of way too many people here. I wonder if this is a common thread in third-world countries.

I am happy that I am here.

This is the place I wanted to be. I know that I can help -- I can share my enthusiasm and compassion, and even if its only for a brief moment, I can give them a little self-esteem.

I wish I could directly share with you, the emotions I experience when I interact with these wonderful people that have been taught to not value themselves.

Ever known a person that had been in a long-term
Ever known someone with
so little self-esteem
that they were unable to raise their voice to a
Ever known a human being
with not even
other person they can go to for
I meet these people every day.
I am afraid to move quickly when I talk closely with them
because when I do, they flinch
and my soul sinks.


Betty said...

Wow...again. This post is truly beautiful.

I was like that, once.

My father would grab me by the hair, shaking me, shouting, "What's the matter with you, are you stupid?!" and I would meekly reply through my tears, "Yes, Daddy."

When my father moved too quickly, I flinched.

No more.

I am strong, proud, fearless.

But, it's taken years.

Anonymous said...

i remember clearly. 6 years as a PCV biology teacher in tanzania. i raised my hand to touch a female student's shoulder. she flinched and leaned away as a reflex to seeing a hand raised near her head. i was shocked.